
Do not grumble, as in do not be complaining. Don't criticize, find fault, be irritable or argumentative, or whine to fellow believers-and definitely not to unbelievers.
Standing firm, which we can do all the way from sowing the right seed to receiving the greatest harvest of the highest quality.
Following Jesus' great message to the multitudes, He moves from the crowds to the ministering of the individual needs of people.
God urges us to pursue peace and harmony and not let the childish and petty things of life divide us.
Paul wholeheartedly and passionately warns that divisions will destroy the church!
Allow Christ to Challenge you to live for the faith!
Is Good Communication working in you? What Can I Do To Be A Better Communicator?
Faithful to my Lord's commands, I still would chose the better part; Serve with careful Martha's hands And loving Mary's heart.
Christianity is Community! It is to be a personal team endeavor; it is never just a solo sport or individual activity or merely about solitary or personal agendas.
Peter is calling upon servants to obey their masters. This not only applies to slaves but also to us today! We may not be slaves, but we are called to accept the authority of those who are in authority over us, even when they are harsh and cruel. This is hard for most Christians to understand because it is a call that goes against our nature and even our culture. This passage is not saying we are to be mistreated, taken advantage of, or abused; it is a firm call to be a good employee, student, and to strive to be a model Christian by sowing kindness, respect, and following through with good work ethics.
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016