There are 5 main reasons why going to church is important.
The church can be and should be...
1. A PLACE TO BELONG (Rom. 12:5; I Cor. 12:12: 2 Cor. 5: 17). When a person trusts Christ as Savior. God's Spirit makes him or her a member of God's family. All Christians are born into this family that will live forever, where we belong! So we should look for a group of other believer's with whom we can meet regularly for worship, teaching, encouragement, and service; in other words, a local church. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (Heb. 10:25),
2. A PLACE TO SERVE (Rom. 2: 6; I Cor. 14:26). God's Spirit gives each Christian special abilities (gifts) that are designed to work with each others gifts: 'spiritual gifts'. Christians need to be involved in local churches so they can discover their function and use their gifts. In a world of self-centered thinking, Christ's example and command to serve others still applies! We need church, but the church also needs us! In the church we can grow spiritually, and we can also have the thrill of helping others grow. As we discover how God's gifted us, we feel good about helping and grow more!
3. A PLACE TO BE SERVED (1 Cor. 12; 14-27; James 5:13-16), The various parts of your body depend on each other. Your eye gives you vision, while your brain interprets the image so you see it. You cannot see just with your eyes or just with the brain. When you serve in the church, you will find that your needs get met also, we all work together in oneness and purpose for God's glory. God normally meets our needs by using others, and He uses you to meet others needs, this is the church's purpose and that Christ is the head of it. Church members need to depend on each other just as the members/ parts of a human body do!
4. A PLACE TO GROW (Acts 20:7; Col. 3: 16; Heb. 10:25). Just as our physical bodies need nourishment, so too our spiritual lives need to be fed. This spiritual food includes worship, prayer, discipleship, good Biblical instruction, and mentoring. As Christians praise God and pray, there is a special bond occurs. Gifted teachers and preachers who know and use God's Word and care about you can help you grow. So plant yourself in a good church and grow!
5. A PLACE TO WORK TOGETHER (John 13:34-35). Christian faith is personal but not private. Healthy Christians are not loners. Jesus said that the word would watch relationships between Christians: "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:35). Church helps us learn how to love and obey God.
Looking for a good church? Here's what to look for ...
Worship: songs and hymns in praise to God that are reverent with adoration offered to God! Knowing who God is, we are the performers He is the audience as we give Him Praise!
Prayer: words and thoughts expressed to God with care toward each other!
Preaching: inspired and Biblical that challenges you to live for God, that lifts up Christ!
Teaching and Discipleship: solid Biblical Instruction from the Word of God!
Sharing: joyful support for the work of God for missions and outreach!
Fellowship: encouragement from the family of God!
Discipline: Not allowing someone to distract or harm others by personal agendas and sin!
What the Healthy Church Looks Like
The Twelve Characteristics of the Healthy Church
"In 25 years the Bible will be a forgotten book." Robert Ingersoll who died in 1899.
© 1984, 2001 R.J. Krejcir